Angela’s Answers

20 Nov
  1. Four places I frequently go: walks up back, violin lessons, church, grocery shopping
  2. Four people who email me (regularly): Jeni, Lydia, Isaac, Kim  (I chose actual people, not businesses)
  3. Four of my favorite places to eat: my house, Thai Express, in the garden, on the lawn
  4. Four places I would rather be right now: reading in bed, with Jeni in Austin, with Kiny on her way, with Hannah in the Gobi desert
  5. <s>Four<s/> people I think will respond: Jeni, Kirsty,
  6. Four TV shows I like to watch: Firefly, MASH, The Twilight Zone, Jerico

One Response to “Angela’s Answers”

  1. Jeni 22 November 2008 at 3:11 AM #

    1. Four places I frequently go: on walks with my daughter and our miniature schnauzers, to the Austin Rowing Club, grocery shopping, to the public library
    2. Four people who email me: Deb, Rachel (book club friend), Gwen (same), my sister
    3. Four of my favorite places to eat: the kitchen table, on the patio at Whole Foods in Austin, at the Salt Lick Barbecue, at my friend Mary’s kitchen table
    4. Four places I would rather be right now: at Deb’s kitchen table; with my family in California; with my family in Ohio; in Ithaca with my youngest son, to visit the wonderful people who helped him when he was little and show them how well he’s doing now!
    6. Four TV shows I like to watch: hmmm This Old House, 24 (on DVD) Old shows that I watch periodically with Liv: The House of Elliot (BBC), the Barchester Chronicles (BBC)

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